I really am bad at keeping this thing updated. With the start of the New Year, things took a big turn in my life. While I haven’t kept up with my blog, I have been busy. So, what’s been going on?
My writing partner Lauren (shout out to the other half of Our Kindred Souls!) and I have gotten back into working on our joint projects. They are big projects, and most of our work has been discussing plot points and adding key moments to our big project. It’s something no one in our lives has had the pleasure of reading yet. Hopefully we’ll have a workable draft soon. We are also looking into publishing options for our first project, A FOOL’S ADVENTURE. More to come there, I’m sure.
I have been fighting a bout of depression. Mental health is very important to me, and I’ve always been an advocate of self care. During everything that has happened over the last 18 months, however, I seemed to have forgotten taking care of myself. I took a step back from a lot of things and realized what’s important to me. I’m taking the steps necessary to get back to being happy. I’ve always gone through phases in my life where depression strikes and I can usually get myself out of it. This time has been the hardest. I found myself just doing what I had to, to get by. That’s not living.
I’ve been learning a lot about what medications do to your body. Not based on anyone else’s opinion, but on what I’ve experienced. As most of my friends know, in 2012, I lost 50 pounds. I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life. During this depression, I managed to gain back all of my weight and then some. At the end of 2016, I signed back up at the gym I lost the weight at and I’ve been trying to work out at least three times a week. As of last Friday, I had only lost 2 pounds in six weeks. So I evaluated what was different from last time. Obviously, I was younger. But also, I wasn’t on birth control then. Now, “they” say that birth control doesn’t make you gain weight, but I beg to differ. In 2012, I stopped losing weight around the time I started the birth control back. Since then, I’ve never really been able to do much more than maintain my weight. And one side effect of birth control I wasn’t aware of: depression. So, I threw the pills out. A week later, I am definitely feeling better, more productive. Happier.
I’ve been reading a lot. Finally, finally, Victoria Aveyard released the third book in the RED QUEEN series, so I spent my Monday and Tuesday this week binging on reading it. Amazing story, and I’m going to do my best to post a review next week. My to be read shelf for 2017 just keeps growing, but KING’S CAGE was the book I was most excited to read this year.
In just a few days, I am turning 28 years old. When did I get to be nearly thirty?!?! Either way, I’m determined to make 28 a hell of a lot better than 27 was. I’m excited to get to spend some time with family and NASCAR (if you didn’t know, I am a huge fan!). Here’s to whatever 28 may bring!
AND….HalfLife is so close to being ready for beta readers I can taste it! Not only do my partner in crime and I write stuff together, but we help each other with our own projects. Lauren has been great in reading samples and giving me tips. It has really helped the progress along.
That being said, I will be searching for Beta Readers as soon as this draft is ready. I am hoping to have it ready by the end of February. If you would like to volunteer, please review the “HalfLife” tab at the top of my blog, and if it interests you, you can email me at abbielynnsmith0711@yahoo.com, send me a message on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or leave a comment here with your contact information.
As always, thanks for reading and going along on this journey with me!